Abby and Seth

Abby and Seth


Toledo, Ohio

For the record, Abby and Seth are engaged.

For the record, their engagement session was 🔥🔥🔥.

I had so much fun hanging around downtown Toledo with these two and I can’t say enough good things. I’m struggling to put all of my thoughts down into this blog because it was all so amazing. I’m beyond blessed to have been able to spend some time with Abby and Seth because they are just such genuine people. Despite the fact that this was our first time meeting, it felt like we were old friends. But the good thing about new friends is you get to learn all the things that make them awesome. They share a love for music and have seen more concerts than I could even imagine. Abby is crazy good at hula-hooping - not just normal hula-hooping (which I can’t even do) but like tricks and stuff. I got to teach them to dance, kinda. Seth arguably had a better ‘foot pop’ than Abby (Sorry, Abby).

Oh, and I got a cool enamel pin of a camera for my camera bag. So, pretty good day.

Check out some of their photos


Interested in booking a session? Drop us a line!