Erika and Nick

Erika and Nick


Lake Erie Metropark, Brownstown, MI

This session really hit close to home for me. Partly because Lake Erie Metropark is practically in my backyard and it’s pretty much one of my favorite places to shoot. Mostly because Erika is an amazing friend who I’ve known since high school. In fact, we were part of the same study abroad program where we spent time living in Germany (during the 2010 World Cup, but that’s another story). Nothing can confirm friendship like sitting next to each other for an international flight!

While this was the first time I had met Nick, it’s beyond obvious how perfect these two are for each other. Their chemistry just clicked and nothing could bring them down from having a great time. It was hot, humid, muddy and hot* out yet they kept running and moving as if it was the perfect fall day. *so hot that it needed to be mentioned twice.

Check out some of their amazing engagement photos and be sure to keep an eye out for their wedding later this summer!