Getting Ready On Your Wedding Day

Tips For Getting Ready On Your Wedding Day


So much planning goes into a wedding. From the decorations to the food and the guest list, all of your attention typically falls on the reception. Getting ready seems to fall to the bottom of the list yet this is the time that sets up the whole day.

Here are some tips to help your wedding day start off on the right foot!

1) Think about where you want to get ready

Dogs may be man’s best friend but natural light is a wedding party’s best friend. If you have the option, try and choose a location that has lots of windows with light just pouring in. Trust me, your makeup artist will thank you too. Artificial light tends to emit an orange/yellow glow that can cause the color of your skin and hair to look off. When we have the option of natural light, we can turn off lamps and overhead lights that don’t do anyone any favors.

Also think about how big the space you’re getting ready in will be. How big is your bridal party? Then add in two or three hair and makeup artists, two photographers, two videographers, the moms, and then there are usually a few other friends and family members who are hanging out, helping to make sure everything moves smoothly. As you can imagine, space fills up pretty quick. If you’re getting ready in a hotel, this might be a great excuse to upgrade to a larger suite or even opt for a local AirBNB. Larger rooms and open spaces typically allow for more natural light in addition to the extra space.

A church “bridal suite” is typically the equivalent of a closet. Cluttered with storage and filled with terrible light, I would recommend avoiding these for your getting ready photos.

2)Wedding Details

One of the very first things we do after arriving is photograph your wedding details. Common wedding details for the bride includes the bouquet, rings (both bands and engagement ring), the invitation, perfume, shoes, earrings, necklace, bracelet, garter and the typical “something old, new, borrowed, and blue.” There are no “rules” for what needs to be included. Just look at what is important to you!

Your dress is another “detail” that we like to shoot before you put it on. My advice is to ditch the plastic hanger and opt for something a little nicer, such as a classic wood hanger. You can even find custom hangers that will include your new last name and wedding date. We will look for an open doorway or a large window to use as a back drop.

Gathering all of your details and pulling out your dress so it has time to drop is a a great job for one of your bridesmaids. By having everything in once place when we arrive, we can get right to work while also ensuring that nothing is missed.

3) Hair and Makeup

Hair and Makeup artists - love them to death but it is VERY common for them to be running behind. Most delays on a wedding day start with them and it becomes extremely difficult to find extra time in the day, especially when the timeline has been meticulously thought out and planned. It’s not always the artist’s fault! They have alot of work to do in a pretty short time. There are alot of variables that can come into play with the whole bridal party as well. That’s why it’s best to tell your artists that you need to be finished 30-45 minutes prior to your actual time.

So when should the bride get her hair and makeup done? Right in the middle! Most artists will insist on the bride going last to minimize the chance of anything getting messed up, but the middle is really where you want to be. If the schedule is running behind, as the bride you don’t want to be rushed. Leave a cushion of timing to make sure anything can be touched up or tweaked without having to run out the door. Additionally, you will want to be makeup ready for all of the candid shots that will be taking place at this time! Going last ensures that you would be the one person who doesn’t have their hair and makeup done for the candids.

4) What should you wear?

When choosing your “getting ready outfits” there are a few key things to consider. Always go with robes or button down pajama tops. Once your hair and makeup is finished, you don’t want to have to pull anything over your head and risk smudges or pulling out hair pins. The bride should wear a different color than the bridesmaids. It doesn’t have to be drastically different but just enough to stand out as the center of attention. Check out pinterest for TONS of amazing ideas. These also make great gifts for your bridesmaids ;)

5) Getting into your wedding dress

Getting into your wedding dress helps to tell the story of your day. First, think about who you want helping you get into your dress. They should be ready approximately 20 minutes before you plan on getting dressed. Second, think about how long it will take to get into your dress. A zipper will definitely be quicker than 75 loops and buttons that have to be individually threaded. It helps if the person helping you get ready is with you at the final fitting, that way they can know what to expect on the big day.
Typically, we allow you to dress in private, with the exception of the back of your dress. At that point, we will pull you to a location (usually by a big window) that has better natural light and is a less cluttered space.

6) Keep it clean

Clutter adds up fast and it only takes away from the aesthetic of your getting ready photos. Most importantly, put a bridesmaid in charge of keeping the room picked up! Someone who can gently remind the other girls to be aware of their space. Designate a corner or wall close to the door where everyone can keep their bags when they aren’t using them. The window areas should be considered off-limits for clutter since they will be used for photos.

Food and drinks should be kept in one area of the room. Champagne and mimosas are okay to have sitting around but it’s best to avoid half empty plates and crumbs in the background.

7) Speaking of food…

Don’t forget to eat! Water and food are must haves for getting ready and honestly, often gets overlooked. Bagels, fruit, cheese and crackers or other types of “finger foods” work best. Everyone will be busy and snacking is much easier than finding a place to sit down and eat. A case of water bottles can go a long way and will definitely be appreciated by everyone. Bonus: Dads and brothers are excellent when it comes to food delivery!

8) Gifts for each other

If you’re planning on exchanging gifts to each other, this is the perfect time for it. The ideal timing is after your hair and makeup is complete, but before you’re in your dress. For the groom, we will do this after you are fully dressed in your suit or tux.

9) to the Guys,

Telling the getting ready story only works if we can get both sides of the couple. Fortunately for you, the guys are very simple compared to the ladies.

Just like the bride, have all of your details gathered in one place. This includes your shoes, tie, cuff links, watch, etc.
All of the groomsmen can be dressed and ready to go, but you will be without your details (obviously) or jacket. You can then put on your shoes, tie and details and we will finish with your best man helping to put your jacket on. Make sure everyone has learned how to tie their ties, bowties, fold pocket squares, etc BEFORE the wedding day. You don’t want to have to explain to the bride that her wedding is delayed because no one knows how to tie a tie. Once everyone is dressed, plan on doing a toast with everyone. Think of this as one last dram before walking down the aisle.

Eat plenty of food and drink plenty of water that morning. Most guys will be anxious to start drinking but it’s important to stay hydrated and keep food in your stomach.

Phones and keys should NEVER be in your pockets. This is mostly for any posed photos but can be a good habit to follow all day so they don’t get accidentally forgotten.

Carry a white cotton handkerchief for the ceremony. If it’s hot and humid outside, you will want something to help get rid of the sweat. Keep it in your right pocket so it doesn’t show in ceremony photos (since your left side will be facing your friends and family).

10) Dear Wedding Party,

You are NEVER, NEVER, EVER, NEVER in our way. We will stand next to you.. you’re not in our way. We will stand behind you.. you’re not in our way. We will lift our cameras over you.. you’re not in our way. Please, don’t feel the need to move! Just pretend we aren’t there. By doing what you’re doing, you are making the photos awesome! You’re adding to the candid feel of the photos and we can use you to frame certain scenes. Feel free to jump in front of our cameras all day long!


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