Joe and Liz - Wedding

Joe and Liz Moore

8.22 Wedding

Waterview Loft at Port Detroit, Detroit, MI

Something will go wrong. That’s something I say to all of my couples. I don’t say it to freak them out or to criticize their planning but I just want them to be prepared. No matter how much you plan, how many people you have helping out, how much time goes into every details, something will go wrong. It might not be a big deal and I can almost guarantee that your guests will have no idea but it will happen.

For any couple that was either planning on 2020, already got married in 2020, or is still planning on getting married in 2020, the idea of “something will go wrong” is usually followed by a resounding “DUH.”

Joe and Liz had to postpone their original July 4th date with the hope that everything would be over by mid-August. When August approached, they were left with the tough decision - move everything they have been working so hard towards to 2021 or to compromise and comply with the Governor’s orders.

What resulted was a wonderfully, beautiful intimate ceremony and micro-reception shared with their immediate family and their closest friends who made up the Bridal Party. I’m so honored to have been apart of this wonderful moment in their lives and can’t wait to celebrate with their full reception next year!