Project Obscura 2019

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Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend Project Obscura, a two day photography workshop in Las Vegas. With an entire day dedicated to explore new shooting techniques at the Valley of Fire State Park alongside some of the top photographers in the industry, it was truly an eye-opening experience. Twenty models were positioned throughout some of the most beautiful backgrounds and scenery that the desert had to offer. Despite the warm look of my images, the temperature was actually in the high 30s low 40s with snow covering some parts of the sand! The models were champs though and were quick to throw down their blankets and jackets and act like they were hanging out in, well…. a desert.

There are a few top photographers that I tend to follow a lot. I’ll consistently follow their social media, I’ll learn from any online courses they are teaching, and I’ll study their business practices to see how they would translate over into my business model. Two of those photographer, Sal Cincotta and Michael Anthony, happened to be two of the six pro instructors out at Project Obscura, so it’s understandable why I absolutely had to go.

Sal and Michael, along with Casey Dittmer, Audrey Wouldard, Nichol Krupp, and Kevin Jordan spent the whole second day going through what makes a successful business. Over eight hours of knowledge and so much more could have been said. I’m pretty sure no-one stayed within their speaking time frame and a few had to be dragged off the stage. Pair that with Sal’s impromptu lessons in the hallway or off to the side of the stage during the breaks and it’s really clear how much these pros care about their industry.

I honestly can’t even begin to narrow down my favorite shots from the Valley of Fire. In fact, I haven’t even finished going through all of them. I’ve pulled a few out that that I really like and am so excited to be able to share them with the world. I’m sure I’ll be adding more later so make sure you come back to check them out!